Migration of Perceptech customers to Transphere


Migration process


The Perceptech to ACCEO Transphere migration is done as follows:

  • The Perceptech user receives an email to prepare the Perceptech to ACCEO Transphere transition.
  • The day of the transition, the final transactions are processed by Perceptech. The transactions are sent financial institutions at noon. The Perceptech service is modified at that time to be
    available in read-only. The service will remain active for 90 days to recover the final rejects.
  • The service is migrated to ACCEO Transphere. The user receives an email inviting them to create their user account in ACCEO Transphere.
  • Active and recurrent transactions in Perceptech are migrated to ACCEO Transphere. It is important to make sure everything is in order in the ACCEO Transphere system.
  • A “test” transaction is processed (for an amount between $0.01 and $0.10) to ensure that everything works properly. The “test” transaction is then reversed.



Content of this guide




Add a client

To add a client, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Transactions and select Clients.

  • In the Clients page, click Add a client.

Note: The fields preceded by a blue dot are mandatory.

  • Enter the Client no., their Name and Email
  • Select the Email/SMS language to use to communicate with the client.
  • Enter their Address and Phone number.
  • Click Add to add it to the client list.


Bank accounts


Add a bank account


To add a bank account, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Transactions and select Clients.

  • In the Clients page, click the appropriate client to open their file.

  • Click the Add bank account button.

Note: The fields preceded by a blue dot are mandatory.

  • Enter the Branch number, Financial institution code (e.g. 815 for Desjardins) and the Bank account number.
  • Click Add. A message indicates that the bank account has been successfully added.

In the client file, the bank account is added under their contact information.




Add a transaction to a client

To add a transaction to a client, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.


  • Click Transactions and select Clients.

  • In the Clients page, click the appropriate client and open their file.

  • Click the Add transaction button.

Note: The fields preceded by a blue dot are mandatory.

  • Select the Type of transaction (e.g. debit).
  • Enter the Amount of the transaction.
  • Select the Bank account.
  • Click the calendar to select the Date.
  • Enter a Reference number if required.
  • If it is a transaction which repeats periodically, check the Recurrent transaction Fields are displayed below.
  • Select the invoicing Frequency: monthly, biweekly or weekly.
  • Specify the Day of the month on which the transaction must be submitted.
  • Enter the Number of payments required to settle the total transaction or check the Unlimited box if it is an unlimited number of payments.
  • Click Add. A message indicates that the transaction has been successfully added.

Note: If the transaction is recurring, the end date in the range of dates is excluded from the payment. For example: For a one-year recurrence in 12 payments, the system displays a range from October 1, 2024, to October 1, 2025. The end date is excluded from the calculation. The date of the last payment will be September 1, 2025.


Add batch transactions

To add batch transactions, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Transactions and select Transactions.

  • In the Transactions page, click the Add transactions button.


Note: The fields preceded by a blue · dot are mandatory.

  • Select the Type of transaction (e.g. debit).
  • Click the calendar to select the Date, i.e. the date of the transfer.
  • For each client concerned, select the appropriate bank account and enter the Amount of the transaction.
  • Click the Add A message indicates that the transactions have been successfully added.

In the Transactions page, the addition of a batch of four transactions is displayed. The Total amount of the four transactions is also indicated.


Sending transactions to financial institutions


Transactions are sent to financial institutions twice a day, at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on working days.

In a day, transactions entered before 1:00 p.m. are sent to financial institutions at 1:00 p.m. Transactions entered between 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. are sent at 6:00 p.m. Transactions entered
after 6:00 p.m. are sent the next day.


This button displays the list of confirmed transactions, i.e. transactions which have
been sent and then processed by financial institutions.

This button displays the list of cancelled transactions.

This button displays the list of transactions rejected for non-sufficient funds,
invalid account number, frozen account, etc.

In the list of transactions, click the line of a batch to view the detail of the transactions included in the batch.


  • General: Indicates the type of batch (e.g. Debit) and the date and time it was uploaded.
  • Statistical information: Displays the total number of transactions and the number of completed, cancelled and rejected transactions.
  • Processing: Indicates the time and amount of each batch sent during the day.
  • Payments: Displays the detail of the transactions included in the batch.


My Account


Consult or edit your account

To consult or edit your account, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Account and select My account. The first section of the My account page displays the user’s personal information (name and Email/SMS
    language), their affiliations (organization name) and login information (username and password).

  • To edit this section, click the appropriate pencil .
  • Once the edit is finished, click the checkmark  to save.
  • The second section of the My account page displays the security information. This information is used exclusively to recover the forgotten username or password.

  • To recover your username or password, click Edit. A verification code will be sent by email to verify the person’s identity. The Account
    Security Information page is displayed.

  • From this page, the user can modify their security email, security phone, security questions and two factor authentication.
  • The Notifications section is used to deactivate notifications sent by default by ACCEO Transphere.


My organization


Consult or edit your organization

To consult or edit your organization, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Account and select My organization. The first section of the My organization page displays the information of the organization to which
    the user is affiliated.

  • To edit this section, click the appropriate  pencil.
  • The External applications section displays the applications related to ACCEO Transphere.
  • To add an external application, click the  button.

  • Enter the unique identifier, the type and name of the application. The unique identifier comes from the external application.
  • Save.
  • An organization number is then assigned and must be copied in the account software that will connect with ACCEO Transphere. This number is used to configure the accounting system to send
    electronic payments to suppliers via ACCEO Transphere.




Consult or edit a user

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.

  • Click Account and select Users.

  • The list displays the users affiliated with the organization. In the upper part of the page, click the Advanced arrow to filter the list. For example, you can display active
    users whose invitation is pending, ended or cancelled.
  • To consult a user file, click the appropriate line.

  • The left section displays the user information (name, email, phone, etc.) and the invitation date, affiliation date, etc.
  • The right section displays the access rights assigned to the user. Check or uncheck a box to give or remove user access to the option.


Add a user

To add a user, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.
  • Click Account and select Users to display the list of users.
  • Click the Add a user to the organization button.

  • Enter the user’s email address.
  • Select the Email/SMS language.
  • Enter the username (e.g. user’s email address). The username allows the user to login to ACCEO Transphere.
  • Enter the first name and last name.
  • In the General and Payment method sections, check the appropriate boxes to give the user access to these options.
  • Click Invite. The user receives an email inviting them to affiliate with the organization.

  • In the upper part of the ACCEO Transphere page, a message is displayed to indicate that an affiliation invitation has been sent to the user’s email address. An affiliation code is also

  • Send the invitee the affiliation code so that they can complete their affiliation.
  • Once the invitee is finished, a confirmation email is sent to confirm that they are now affiliated with the organization.


End a user’s affiliation

To end a user’s affiliation, proceed as follows:

  • In the list of users, click the appropriate one to access their file.

  • Click the End affiliation button.

  • Enter the reason the affiliation must be ended.
  • Click OK. The affiliation between the user and the organization is ended.


Reset a user’s password

To reset a user’s password, proceed as follows:

  • In the list of users, click the appropriate one to select their file.

  • Click the Reset password button.

  • In the Reason field, click the arrow to select the reason.

  • Click Send. A link is sent by email to the user for the user to enter a new password. The link expires after 24 hours.

  • Click the Click here link to reset the password.




Rejected payments report

Rejected payments are those which have been sent to the financial institution and which have been rejected for non-sufficient funds, frozen account, etc.

To view the rejected payments report, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.
  • Click Transactions and select Processed.
  • In the upper part of the Payments page, click the Advanced arrow to define the report parameters.
  • In the Status group, check the Rejected box.
  • In the Rejection group, define a range of dates, if required. The list below displays the rejected payments according to defined criteria.
  • To refresh the data in the list, click the Refresh button.
  • To sort payments in the list, click the Sort button and select the appropriate option.
  • To copy the content from the list to import it into Excel, click the Copy to clipboard button. A message requests confirmation.
  • Click OK. A message indicates that the content has been successfully copied.
  • Open Excel and copy the content of the Clipboard.
  • The rejected payments information is copied in the file (number, name, amount, date, etc.). Save the Excel file.

Processed payments report

Processed payments are those which have been sent to the financial institution and which have been processed. The list displays the accepted payments and rejected payments, if any.

To view the processed payments report, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.
  • Click Transactions and select Processed. The list displays the payments which have been processed, including payments which have been rejected, if any.
  • To refresh the data in the list, click the Refresh button.
  • To sort payments in the list, click the Sort button and select the appropriate option.
  • To copy the content of the list to import it into Excel, click the Copy to clipboard button. A message requests confirmation.
  • Click OK. A message indicates that the content was copied successfully.
  • Open Excel and copy the content of the Clipboard.
  • The processed payment information is copied in the file (number, name, amount, date, etc.). Save the Excel file.

Upcoming transactions report

Upcoming transactions are those which have not yet been sent to the financial institution.

To view the upcoming transactions report, proceed as follows:

  • Access the ACCEO Transphere homepage.
  • Click Transactions and select Upcoming. The list displays the transactions which are submitted or are pending submission, but which have not yet been sent to the financial institution. The transactions are displayed by date.
  • To refresh the data in the list, click the Refresh button.
  • To copy the content from the list to import it into Excel, click the Copy to clipboard button. A message requests confirmation.
  • Click OK. A message indicates that the content has been copied successfully.
  • Open Excel and copy the content of the Clipboard.
  • The upcoming transactions information is copied in the file (number, name, amount, date, etc.). Save the Excel file.

Note: Transactions Waiting to be submitted are not copied in Excel.